Episode 113: Giving Thanks for Family
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Episode 113 - Giving Thanks for Family
A warm spirit of the approaching holiday season makes us especially thankful for family. Life is full of many reasons to celebrate, reflect and share our feelings during the coming holiday season. The United Nations designated 1994 as International Year of the Family with the theme of the year as "family resources and responsibilities in a changing world." The emblem of the International Year of the Family is a heart sheltered by a roof linked by another heart. It symbolizes life and love in a home where one finds warmth, caring, security, togetherness, tolerance, and acceptance. The open design is meant to indicate continuity with a hint of uncertainty the brushstroke with its open mind roof completes an abstract symbol representing the complexities of the family.
Families today are under a great deal of stress. During the holiday season, many families feel pressured, tired, worn down and frustrated. We seem to expect our holidays to be perfect, but the many tasks needed to make them flawless absolutely guarantee tension. Hans Selge states that the simple way to reduce stress is to develop a sense of gratitude. People who focus on life's blessings, find contentment and peace. Thanksgiving and thanks living is an attitude and an expression of gratitude for the people and things that enrich our lives. It is a time to reflect on all that America has - our freedoms and our bounty - our blessings. During Thanksgiving week, November 20th-26th, Congress in the White House is proclaiming and celebrating National Family Week.
Warm Thoughts: Be generous! Give to those you love. Give to those who love you. Give to all the fortunate. Give to the unfortunate. Yes, give especially to those to whom you don't want to give. You will receive abundance for your giving. The more you give the more you will have. Clement Stone. Celebrate family.
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner
Published in the Marrion Record November 16th, 1994.
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