Visual Benedictions

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Episode 115: The Bent Tree

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Episode 115 - The Bent Tree Visual Benedictions

As many families were cutting down a Christmas tree to bring home to decorate, we hear the sad news about the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota. During the holiday season, we had to bid adieu to a great stately tree that had graced the campus at the University of South Dakota and Vermillion for 130 years. Students at the University had planted the Silver Maple on Arbor Day in 1884. This beautiful tree of God's creation had weathered the many storms of life throughout the years. Last year's winter storms caused its branches to be bent and it became necessary for us to bid This old tree our last respects. Throughout the years we read this inscription by this stately silver maple tree. This tree was grown in a local nursery and planted by students on Arbor Day, April 23rd, 1884. Over the years it has withstood the perils of both man and nature to become the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota.

As I bid farewell to this tree, I am reminded of another bent tree I had noticed in my travels one day. It was no longer there, as it had been removed because of road construction. I remembered the many times I had seen this bent tree, many warm thoughts entered my mind and I wrote these poetic lines. The Bent Tree. "Each time I pass this bent tree, I just want to stop and pray. Thanking God for all the trees, they all have so much to say. This tree on the lonely prairie has a message for you and me. Though bent with age there is beauty, bending down on the old prairie. As the twig is bent so grows the tree. We heard this adage many a year. It now means so much more to me. As God's presence seems so very near. When I traveled in the country, God's creation I will see, how thankful I am for blessings for only God can make a tree." This poem appeared in Grit Magazine and it was also published in Carvings and Stone, Beyond the Horizon, and Famous Poems of the 20th Century.

Warm thought: Love is the miracle of Christmas. Rejoice in the wonder of it all. May you have many warm thoughts this holiday season!

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner.

Published in the Marion Record, December 11th, 1997

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Till next time,
