Episode 135: Thoughts on Love
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Episode 135 - Thoughts on Love
When I visit in the homes of family and friends, I will notice a sampler on the wall. These samplers often have words of wisdom, and on the little home on the prairie, I too, have a sampler hanging on the wall in the room where I serve guests a cup of Christmas tea.
These are the words on the sampler: Love is giving with no thought of getting. It is tenderness and folding with strength to protect. It is forgiveness without further thought of the thing forgiven. It is understanding of the thing forgiven. It is understanding of human weakness with knowledge of the true man shining through. It is quiet in the midst of turmoil. It is trust and God with no thought of self. It is the one all together lovely, the light in the mother's eyes, the glory and the sacrifice, the quiet assurance of protection. It is the expectation of our Father's promise coming true. It is the refusal to see anything but good in our fellow man. It is the glory that comes with selflessness and the power that comes with the assurance of the Father's love for His children. It is the voice that says "no" to our brother, though "yes" might be more easily said. It is resistance to the world's lust and greed, thus becoming a positive law of annihilation to error. Love. The one thing no one can take from us. The one thing we can give constantly and become increasingly rich in the giving. Love can take no offense, for it cannot know that which it does not of itself conceive. It cannot hurt or be hurt, for it is the purest reflection of God. Good. It is the one eternal, indestructible force for good. It is the will of God preparing, planning, proposing always what is best for all His universe.
Warm thoughts: The art of forgiving love is one of the finest of the finest arts. A heart filled with love always has something to give. Love is the most important. Billy Graham. May you have many loving thoughts!
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner
Published in the Marion Record May 22nd, 1997.
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