Episode 194: Thought Lines, Creases, & Wrinkles
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Episode 194 - Thought Lines, Creases, & Wrinkles
In last week's column, I closed my column with a youthful and warm thought. On my way to The Clipper to deliver the column, I stopped at the store to pick up a card for a very special friend in another state who was celebrating that special 50th birthday. I find myself amused at some of the deep thoughts and brilliant sayings on some greeting cards. This one stated on the front of the card, "On your birthday, remember, with age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes deep thought, with deep thought comes thought lines, creases and wrinkles."
Words and thoughts change and affect our lives. And sometimes it is the little words that make the difference. During the past year we have been challenged, often with a word "change." It seems, to be the year that this word has been used very often and we ponder in deep thought over this word so often used in the media and newspapers. We realized that two small words like, "I do," can change our lives for a lifetime. Gallup Polls have proved that communication is a problem in many relationships.
I am reminded of the young woman who sought legal counsel because she felt there was no other solution to her communication problems but to get a divorce. The first question the lawyer asked was, "Do you have grounds?" "Oh, yes, we have an acre," she replied. "Do you have a grudge?" He asked. "No, but we have a carport," she stated. "Does your husband beat you up?" the lawyer asked. "No. I'm usually up an hour before him." the woman said. Finally, the frustrated lawyer asked, "Lady why do you want this divorce?" "Because it is impossible to hold a conversation with that man," she replied. That great big word "communication" can present some challenges, alright.
Last Thursday, I had many warm thoughts when I attended the commencement exercises at the warm auditorium in Slagle Hall, on the University of South Dakota campus in Vermillion. Listening to the commencement address by John W. Larson, professor emeritus of law, communicate to his audience on the topic: What is Success? brought my mind to many thoughts. And as I saw some international students receive their degrees, my thoughts went down memory lane as I remembered the many students I had been mum and international grandma to, while they received their education in the States. It has been a real joy to hear from them throughout the years after they have returned to their homeland and become leaders and educators for their people. They have been my colleagues too and continually inspire me as we communicate with one another across the miles. It was just a year ago that I graduated with many of them at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. What warm thoughts overwhelm us as we realize how much we have to share as we sing that alma mater song together.
So how do we communicate what success is in our lives? Sometimes we can communicate best with a poem thought. "If you're the kind that wants to succeed, just try to help those in distress. A life that is clean, a heart that is true, and doing your best - that's success." A warm thought for the week: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt. Have a great week and always have a dream.
Warm Thoughts from Little Home on the Prairie over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner
Published in the Canestota Clipper, August 12th, 1998.
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