Episode 10: Prayer Power
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Episode 10 - Prayer Power
The Secret of Happiness Through Prayer
Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote many years ago, “More things are wrought by prayer than the world ever dreams of.” These words of wisdom are still true in our age. We especially think thoughts on prayer, the mightiest force in the world during this week when we observe World Day of Prayer.
However, every day is a day of prayer for the world who needs to realize more fully how prayer can be the secret to the happiness they seek to find.
I once had a friend who found this secret of happiness through the art or science of prayer, and I would like to share her secret with you. She had been bedridden for 35 years with arthritis, which had crippled her small body. Daily she suffered pain, but each time I visited her she seemed so cheerful, and never complained about pain or suffering.
One day when I visited her, she was especially exuberant, and her joy and faith seem to fill the room. Having long been astounded by her cheerfulness, I finally asked her to tell me the secret of her joy and happiness.
“Why, I've been all over the world today, praying for missionaries, my president, the church leaders, my friends who are ill, my children and everyone who might think needs my prayers.
Underneath her pillow was a long list of the many names of people for whom she was praying. She had found inner peace in carrying out the command, pray for one another.
Although she had received very little formal education, she had become educated in the great book of books, and had sharpened her mind through prayer and kept in harmony with the great mind. She gained inner strength and happiness through prayer, and found that it does work wonders when you use it.
The story is told of a pastor who regularly visited one of his parishioners who had been bed fast for a long time. Each visit, he found his parishioner and good spirits, and she never complained about her incurable illness. One day he asked her, “It seems every time I come to see you, you are so cheerful.” She replied, “Well, Pastor, do you see that chair beside my bed? I pretend that Jesus is there. And when I tell him all my troubles, I don't feel like telling anyone else.”
This woman had learned through the school of experience, that there is great prayer power and talking to God. She had found the peace and serenity through prayer to gain the needed mental and spiritual strength for her daily needs.
Lord Ashley, before he charged at the Battle of Hedgehill, made this short prayer. “Oh, Lord, you know how busy I must be this day. If I forget thee, do not thou forget me.”
Are we really too busy to pray and this speed age? Do we find the needed time for God and prayer? Try prayer power. Find that there is power in prayer.
St. James writes “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. We too can experience that inner peace and serenity when we find the secret of happiness through prayer.”
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner
March 2 1972
Published in the Marion Record
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