Episode 19: The Process of Aging
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Episode 19 - The Process of Aging
During the month of May, many states host an annual event on the Governor's Conference on Aging. At these conferences, older Americans may learn new ways for healthy living and lifelong learning.
Sometime ago, my friend Mary shared an article entitled “Nostalgia,” which I feel may be interesting to our readers as they review the changes of the century.
Over the last 50 to 60 years, we have been witness to many changes in our lives. Here are just a few of them. We were born before cordless phones, fax machines and ice makers. Whoever heard of organ transplants or root canals? Horsepower was something to do with a horse collars. Ring the doorbell instead of blowing their horn. The Fallout problem was something kept under your hat. And when folks sat down to dinner, they counted their blessings instead of calories. Guided missiles were rolling pins and frying pans. A babysitter was called mother. A child had more brothers and sisters than fathers and the car didn't wear out before it was paid for. A housewife canned food instead of taking it out of cans. Being a parent required more patience than money. Bags were taken once a week and religion every day. And the only red menace was long winter underwear. $5 worth of groceries filled two bags. And when we were in school, the hard stuff meant algebra. We did without disposable diapers, velcro and scotch tape. Instead of the internet and the information superhighway, we had the party line. And our day TV was truly a luxury and a black and white luxury at that. Tape meant reel to reel that cassettes or videos, and CDs were certificates of deposits, not compact discs. And owning a hi fi was all the rage. And who could forget driving a Packard or a Nash. The only millionaires in baseball were the owners. Bunnies were small rabbits and rabbits were not Volkswagens cars in our time. Men running boards cranks Model A roasters and Bramble seeds. A mouse was a furry little creature, not part of a computer. And the only babes politicians kissed were those in their mother's arms. We were before Hawaii and Alaska became states, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Snoopy, DDT, interstate highways, holiday and air conditioned cars and decaffeinated anything. We came from a time when we left our front door open. College kids swallowed goldfish, not alcohol. And in our day, songs had a tune and the words made sense. Hippie meant big in the hips. A trip meant travel. Bread came from bakeries, not the grocery store. We were before microwave popcorn,
childproof medicine, bottles, and cars with cruise control. Streaking was what happened when you washed windows. Holidays were forgetting together, not forgetting away. And remember when a chick was a chicken, not the girl down the street? Tennis shoes were only worn in PE class and bathing suits would cover your knees. And when you said “I don't have anything to do,” your parents said, “Find something to do then.” In our day we would swing and sway with Sammy K, waltz with Wayne King, dance to the Guy Lombardo and polka with Leo Greco. We have survived all of these changes and many more. What an exciting time to have left.
Warm Thought: Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young
Henry Ford
May you have many warm thoughts.
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner
May 21, 1998
Published in the Marion Record
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Till next time,