Visual Benedictions

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Episode 249: Winter Commencement

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Episode 249 - Winter Commencement Visual Benedictions

Many warm thoughts crossed my mind as I attended the 20th Winter Commencement at the University of South Dakota. Amid all the pomp and circumstance, I was in the audience giving cheers to my colleagues for their achievements. Graduation at Christmas time with holiday festivities seems to have special meaning for many families. The commencement address was given by a very successful businessman, who also received the Distinguished Service Award from President Betty Turner Asher. The speaker, Doug Scholl, spoke on the "A" life - our advanced thinking can help us to give something back, we can soar with the eagles, our attitude is important in making choices...He warned us not to associate with people who hate.

I was reminded, as I reflected on his "A" message of one of the many letters I received with holiday greetings. It was from Nebraska's 1995 Mother of the year, Jeannie Berry. She wrote that as we read the papers, our prayer is to close the door of hate and open the doors of love all over the world. Again, the Alma Mater song sung by the choir had even more special meaning as I listened, "South Dakota, how dear to thy children, thy name, how daring the tales offer retold of thy builders who first to thy wilderness came. There's a glory that never grows old. Oh, the pine crested peaks of these storied Black Hills, the Missouri that ribbons thy plain, where the slant summer sunshine so lavishly spills over prairie in pasture and grain, younger feet shall come trooping to gather thy wealth. Younger voices shall ring through thy halls, keep us true to the type of the brave pioneer, no hardship, air daunted his quest, alma mater lead on to the untried frontier. We follow the trail to the west." May these warm thoughts touch your heart during this beautiful holiday season.

Warm Thoughts to ponder: Wise men still seek him. A Happy New Year to you all!

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner

Published in the Marion Record on December 28th, 1995.

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Till next time,
