Visual Benedictions

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Episode 156: Make a Difference

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Episode 156 - Make a Difference Visual Benedictions

A recent warm thoughts column provided information about "Make a Difference Day," which is October 26th. It is a day when everyone is encouraged to make a difference in their community and world by making it a day of caring. An annual national day of helping others. Across the nation, about one million Americans will help others on this Make a Difference Day. Can one person make a difference? We are aware that there have been many difference makers in history.

To name a few, we remember that Thomas Edison brought us out of darkness and into electric light. Henry Ford gave us the Model T. Eli Whitney gave us the cotton gin. Ben Franklin provided our biofocals. John Bunyan guided the progress of millions of pilgrims. Then there was Columbus, Lincoln, Beethoven, Einstein, and many others who make a difference. Our lives can be blessed by a caring community. I, personally, experienced this following a car accident that took six months of recovery. The outpouring of love and compassion was phenomenal. Over six hundred cards and prayerful letters of encouragement for a speedy recovery were received. Visits and telephone calls from all parts of the country. A surprise call even came from caring friends who live in Switzerland and England, one afternoon. I experienced a caring community with their points of light and how they certainly can light up one's life and make a difference. I'm very thankful for caring communities around the world. Whoever you are, and wherever you are, thanks for all your caring.

Warm Thoughts: Caring is the garden where love grows. The world is blessed by people who care. The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor. Hubert H. Humphrey. A little time to care for others, a little time to share with others - that's what makes someone like you so nice to know and to be with too. Helen Steiner Rice. Don't forget, October 26th is national "Make a Difference Day."

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner

Published in the Marion Record October 17th, 1996.

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Till next time,
