Episode 176: My Walk with Jesus
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Episode 176 - My Walk with Jesus
At this time each year, we all look forward to the glorious Easter season and experience the joy of Easter morning. The week before Easter is especially meaningful to me, as I recall my pre-easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land and walking that road to Calvary. When I returned from my pilgrimmage, I wrote these thoughts that I would like to share with you now.
My Walk with Jesus: "I walked the road to Calvary and felt the cross we shared. I felt His presence and His pain and realized how much He cared. How thankful I was in that garden, to worship and to pray for guidance, strength, and courage to face life day by day. What joy there did await me as I saw the empty grave. I have a risen Savior - He came to live and save. I walked by the Sea of Galilee, what memories there we shared. You gave the world so much at the sea. You let me know how much you cared. I walked the road of a Emmaus with Jesus by my side. I heard his still voice saying, "Come with me and abide." And while on that Mount of Olives, I felt new hope, new joy, new faith, new life. His presence brought me ever nearer to the rainbow of promise that will end all strife." May you have a joy filled Easter season!
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea By Luetta G Werner
Published in the Marion Record April 4th, 1996.
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