August is the time of year that families take that last fling and perhaps go to the mountains before school starts. It is often a quiet time of reflection, a time to reflect on many happy summertime activities. At a quiet moment, I discovered some beautiful thoughts by an unknown author that I'd like to share with my loyal readers of the Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 226: Flying a Kite →
June, the month for Children's Day, Father's Day, Flag Day, a month for birthdays, wedding anniversaries, bridal showers, weddings, graduations, family reunions and the celebration of family. I find it very interesting that Children's Day and Flag Day fall on the same day and Father's Day and the first day of summer are also on the same day this year.
Episode 222: What Makes a Happy Family? →
Easter joy! May all of you who read this column have a joyous Easter season. The day of Easter 1993 may be history, but the joy of that first Easter and the joy of every Easter sunrise service and every Easter celebration since that first Easter will live on and on. In my last column I shared some warm thoughts about Bethlehem and the plight to the Holy Land. If it were not for Easter, the season of Christmas would not be a celebration. Easter is truly a celebration of life.
Episode 209: Roses in December →
Every year now, as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day approaches, my memories take me to the little town of Bethlehem. How special it was to be able to worship in a cave on the shepherd hills in Bethlehem. The night I worshiped in a cave on those shepherd hills will long remain in my memories. We traveled the winding roads of those hills with Abraham as the driver of the bus called the guiding star and Elijah and Gabriel guided the driver. As we sang those beautiful Christmas carols, it seems that the angels in heaven were helping us to sing on the shepherd hills. I wrote about this unforgettable experience later high on the hill in an international hotel in Jerusalem, and will share a few thoughts with you.
Episode 176: My Walk with Jesus →
At this time each year, we all look forward to the glorious Easter season and experience the joy of Easter morning. The week before Easter is especially meaningful to me, as I recall my pre-easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land and walking that road to Calvary. When I returned from my pilgrimmage, I wrote these thoughts that I would like to share with you now.
Episode 174: Think Spring →
Hello spring! When one looks at the calendar we observe that the spring equinox, which occurs on March 20th, is fast approaching. Think spring! After a long winter, we welcome the change of season. Easter and thoughts of Easter bring joy to our hearts. Spring and Easter seem to be synonymous. The days become longer and the sun's work becomes evident. There is a renewal of life as the birds sing their melodies. The March snowmelt will transform creeks into flowing rumbling song. Yes, spring will be here!
Episode 171: Listening to the Children →
In recent Warm Thoughts columns you've read about the joy one receives when you really listen to the children. Their words of wisdom not only surprise us, but their thoughts jog our minds to higher levels of understanding, for they are our master teachers. I was so pleased to learn that our governor signed a proclamation encouraging us to find a child to read to on March 2nd. This date is "America's Read to Kids Day." It is hoped that all states will become aware of how important it is to read to the children. This is a nationwide campaign to encourage reading.
Episode 137: Like Flying a Kite →
June. The month for Children's Day, Father's Day, Flag day. A month for birthdays, wedding anniversaries, bridal showers, weddings, graduations, family reunions and the celebration of family. I find it very interesting that Children's Day and Flag Day fall on the same day and Father's Day and the first day of summer are also on the same day this year.
Episode 131: Come with Me, and Abide →
At this time of year, we all look forward to the glorious Easter season and experience the joy of Easter morning. The week before Easter is especially meaningful for me as I recall my pre-Easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land and walking that road to Calvary. When I returned from my pilgrimage, I wrote these thoughts which I've used many times in a slide lecture on "My Journey with Jesus." And now I will share with you, my readers of this warm thoughts column.
Episode 117: Christmas in a Cave →
Recently, my dear friend from Nebraska shared with me her anticipated pre-Christmas pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her excitement over being able to be in His land in the Christmas season brought many warm thoughts to my mind. It was 10 years ago that I experienced the joy of worshipping in a cave on the shepherd hills on Christmas Eve. While the many experiences I had the day before Christmas, and on Christmas day were so vivid in my mind. I wrote them down the day after Christmas, in the International Hotel on a hill in Jerusalem. And I will share these thoughts with you dear readers of this Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 110: Season of Beauty →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life, in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experience when seasons change in some parts of the world. In the month of October, there is also a Sunday called "mother in law's day". I call it, "mother-in-love," and then a column last May, I shared the poem by an unknown author entitled "Mother-in-Love." I would be glad to send you this beautiful poem, if you write me and ask for copy.
Episode 94: When I Am Old →
Since it is Older Americans Month, I had planned to repeat a favorite column including thoughts by a grandchild, until the following poem crossed my desk. The author is unknown. Whoever wrote it must have had a sense of humor and hoped their adult children would appreciate their literary skills.
Episode 91: Little Pleasures →
This is the last day of April. The month of April has been National Poetry Month. It is interesting that a dear friend in Florida sent me in the mail, an original poem she wrote on her birthday. It is such a joy to be able to share with the readers of this warm thoughts column, the gems of thought and poetry. So thanks to Sarah Gray for her precious thoughts.
Episode 78: New Year's Blessings →
Warmest greetings to my dear family, friends, and gentle hearts around the world. It has become a tradition for me to write my Christmas letter on January 6th. The Christmas of the Gentiles. Today is Epiphany - the festival that commemorates the appearance of the Christ child as the promised Savior to the Gentiles, and to all the world. The lighted star shines today even brighter on that little home on the prairie, as I am reminded of the star that led the wisemen to Bethlehem. As we all travel the road of life, and reflect on the past year, may we have many warm thoughts as we reflect on what an unknown author wrote so many years ago. "Looking back, may we be filled with gratitude. Looking forward, may we be filled with hope. Looking upward, may we be aware of strength. Looking inward, may we find peace."
Episode 72: Mothers & Daughters →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experienced when seasons change in some parts of the world.
Episode 64: Still Learning →
This past weekend I drove to the city of Vermillion, where I frequently visit family, and my little granddaughter teaches me some new things she has learned recently. While there, I also traveled down memory lane in my thoughts. What warm thoughts overwhelmed me as I remembered the joys I experienced that last day in July, during the Bicentennial year. How can I ever forget that memorable year in the history of our country, and all the celebrations in South Dakota too? There were tears of joy as I stood with my collegiate clan on that open air field, and the music of the USD song resonated throughout the city, family, friends, and the students. I had taught in a class for gerontology and shared the joy of achievement of my "Grandma Day."