Visual Benedictions

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Episode 40: Christmas Poems

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Episode 40 - Christmas Poems Visual Benedictions

The many beautiful Christmas cards and letters that have arrived at this little home on the prairie have indeed warmed my heart. One of the letters from a dear friend included a poem from a Christmas card, and she suggested that it be included in the warm thoughts column.

A Wondrous Christmas Cake

Stir till the very soft and dreamy one cup of Christmas light. 

Pour the milk of kindness in to make it snowy white. 

Never spare the sweet tidbits of gentle love and caring.

Add as much as you can spare of giving listening, sharing. 

No need to brown or bake. No need to frost or ice. 

Just share your wondrous Christmas cake, give everyone a slice.

Since this is the last warm thoughts column for the year 1997, I will share another thought from a Christmas card for all you special angels in my life. It was written by the poet, Amanda Bradley.

Special people live the Christmas spirit, all year long, 

Special people keep the Christmas spirit in their hearts 

And share it joyfully throughout the year. 

In lots of big and little ways they show how much they care with generosity, that's most sincere. 

They're the thoughtful people who can sense, our every need. 

And in troubled times their first to show concern. They're always there. 

Most sure to care to help in any way without expecting favors in return. 

Yes, special people live the Christmas spirit, all year long, and give us happy memories to recall of all the gifts that means so much at Christmas time, and always these special people mean the most of all. May we all live the Christmas spirit, all year long, and touch the lives of others. 

Warm thought: The way to spend Christmas is far more important than what you spend. Anonymous. It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas when it's mighty founder was a child himself. Charles Dickens. Merry Christmas! 

Warm Thoughts on the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner December 25 1997

Published in the Marion Record

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Till next time,
