Many of you will be reading this warm thoughts column on Valentine's Day. Many moons ago I received these warm thoughts on love and understanding. I do not know the author of this paraphrase of the love chapter of the forever best selling book. This month, we want so much to give the gift of love and understanding to others. May these warm thoughts inspire you to prayer thoughts for the understanding parent.
Though I provide with the abundance of the finest parent and have not understanding, I am become a clever provider and a charming counselor. And though I understand all schedules and all rules, it is not enough. And if I spend many hours and home decoration and become tense and nervous with strain, but have no understanding of the personal problems of my children, it is still not enough.
The understanding parent is very patient very kind is not shocked when children bring their confidences, does not panic is not easily discouraged, does not behave in ways that are unworthy, but is at all times a living example to his or her children of the good way of life of which he or she speaks.
But whether there be fads, they shall become obsolete, whether there be styles, they shall become outmoded. Whether there be abundance, it shall be abandoned, For we know only a little and can pass on to our children only a little. But when we have understanding, then all our efforts will become creative. And our influence will live forever and the lives of our children. When I was a child, I spoke with immaturity, my emotions were uncontrolled, and I behaved childishly. But now that I am a parent, I must face life as it is with courage and understanding. And now abide is abundance, devotion, understanding. And the greatest of these is understanding
More Warm Thoughts: Look at the world through the eyes of a child. Teaching children to get along is best accomplished by parents who do. 100 years from now it will not matter what your bank account was, what sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove. But the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child. He or she who teaches children learns more than they do. German proverb. Happy Valentine's Day.
Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner
February 14 2002
Published in the Marion Record
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