Visual Benedictions

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Episode 59: The Millenial Generation

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Episode 59 - The Millenial Generation Visual Benedictions

Recently, I read an article on the Millennial generation. I found it most interesting and would like to share my thoughts on this generation with my readers. We have heard and read about the Baby Boomers and the Generation X, Baby Busters. But what do we really know about the next generation? Neil Howe, and William Strauss have written a groundbreaking new book titled, “The Fourth Turning,” to describe what is being called the Millennial generation. That generation, beginning with those born in 1982 and later, is now entering high school. Howe and Strauss have discovered that this emerging generation is considerably different from the Gen Xers, who preceded that there were significant findings about Millennials, that will affect the way youth activities will be like in the next few years. Millennials are a generation nurtured during a veering of protective family structures, they are looked upon very favorably by elders. Movies that tended to demonize Gen Xers now characterize Millennials, as virtuous, and nearly angelic. Older people are very interested in protecting this generation.

Example: VHS for TV, school uniforms, school curfews, increased chaperoning. A new birth of team, group, collaboration, etc. characterize this group. The slogan of Gen Xers may have been, “Just Do It.” The slogan for Millennials may well be, “Just Do It Together.” This togetherness attitude will contribute to what Howe and Strauss are calling, “A Civic Rebirth,” which is similar to the decade but saw the birth and incredible growth of the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, and church youth groups. This generation will be a generation that believes it can get things done and it will do it with optimistic peer pressure, which will be seen as a solution and not a problem. Am I happy about this generation? You bet I am. These are my grandchildren! 

Warm Thought: I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see. The longer I live, the more my mind dwells upon the beauty and the wonder of the world. John Burroughs.

Enjoy the beauty and wonder of the world!

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie, Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner

June 26th, 1997

Published in the Marion Record

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Till next time,
