The first day of summer! Good old Summertime is very near. Next Sunday not only is the first day of summer, but it is also Father's Day. In our own special way, we honor our fathers on this day. We have very special memories. Many memories touched my heart as I read about the "Old Fashion Daddy."
Episode 205: 10 Tips for Educational Success →
Every parent has a dream that their child will succeed in school. And the question they may ask is, "How can I help my children succeed in getting a great education?" As a mother and grandmother, this has been a real concern for me. I found it very interesting to learn about research that Judith Ann Hillard did for her doctorate. Her research is based on a sampling of more than 1,800 students. I believe you will appreciate the following 10 tips Judith found, which are backed up by statistics and her research.
Episode 177: Dakota →
This past week I had read the book "Dakota," a spiritual geography by Kathleen Norris, who lives in Lemmon, South Dakota with her husband David Droyer, who is a poet. Kathleen has also written two books of poetry, "Falling Off," and "The Middle of the World." Perhaps some of you have read this memoir, which is a remarkable new work of nonfiction.
Episode 171: Listening to the Children →
In recent Warm Thoughts columns you've read about the joy one receives when you really listen to the children. Their words of wisdom not only surprise us, but their thoughts jog our minds to higher levels of understanding, for they are our master teachers. I was so pleased to learn that our governor signed a proclamation encouraging us to find a child to read to on March 2nd. This date is "America's Read to Kids Day." It is hoped that all states will become aware of how important it is to read to the children. This is a nationwide campaign to encourage reading.
Episode 59: The Millenial Generation →
Recently, I read an article on the Millennial generation. I found it most interesting and would like to share my thoughts on this generation with my readers. We have heard and read about the Baby Boomers and the Generation X, Baby Busters. But what do we really know about the next generation? Neil Howe, and William Strauss have written a groundbreaking new book titled, “The Fourth Turning,” to describe what is being called the Millennial generation. That generation, beginning with those born in 1982 and later, is now entering high school. Howe and Strauss have discovered that this emerging generation is considerably different from the Gen Xers, who preceded that there were significant findings about Millennials, that will affect the way youth activities will be like in the next few years. Millennials are a generation nurtured during a veering of protective family structures, they are looked upon very favorably by elders. Movies that tended to demonize Gen Xers now characterize Millennials, as virtuous, and nearly angelic. Older people are very interested in protecting this generation.
Episode 58: Old School Fathers →
The first day of summer. Good old summertime is very near! Next Sunday is not only the first day of summer, but it is also Father's Day. In our own special way, we honor our fathers on this day. We have very special memories, many memories touched my heart as I read about the “Old Fashioned Daddy.”