Recently I visited dear friends who are now living in an Assisted Leisure Living Center. Before I left, one of them quoted words from Shakespeare, and another told me about her voice activated computer who gave her information about the purple hat. She shared these thoughts with me and I would like to share them with the readers of this warm thoughts weekly column.
Episode 107: A Job Well Done →
This is a wonderful time of year to travel along the country lanes and see the beautiful fields and the healthful skies above. The green earth is beginning to turn to gold and soon the reddish harvest moon, like a beacon from another planet will beam down on our world.
Recently I received a letter from a writer and poet in Florida. Sarah Gray has given permission to use her beautiful thoughts in this week’s warm thoughts column.
Episode 106: The Mother of Grandparent's Day →
September. Thirty days have September. Do you remember this rhyme? Some ancient smart person must have invented mnemonics a fancy word meaning tricks, or devices for remembering things hard to remember. In September, we have our first autumn day, and the first Sunday after Labor Day is national Grandparents Day. Although it is called Grandparents Day, the purpose is to honor all older citizens.
Episode 79: Warm Thoughts by the Fireside →
The home fires may be burning in your home, as we together listen on the radio and watch TV, about the travel challenges many are facing throughout the country. Upon my return from travel to Seattle during the holiday season I was welcomed with 20 degree below zero weather. However, my heart was warmed as I listened to the phone messages and read the many cards, letters and precious thoughts, which I received. You all really made my day! Among the thoughts sent to me was a letter from my friend Dr. Green in Vermillion, South Dakota. She included thoughts from an unknown author, which I feel are so warm and precious - indeed to be shared with you, dear readers of this warm thoughts column.
Episode 62: Living on the Farm →
It is fun to live on a farm and to live in the little home on the prairie. Some days I feel like one of the pioneers who homesteaded on the prairie. After all, I told myself that I am one of the last of the pioneers with the, "good old pioneer spirit." Yes, I sometimes feel like I live between the old ways of Midwestern culture and the new world of technology.