Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for many families. Family traditions are often carried out on this day in many homes. It is also a good time to remember what we often forget to say - that we are grateful to be together and to acknowledge with thanks, each other. It is a time to thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. Many warm thoughts come to mind.
Episode 147: Adages of American Heritage →
When I went to the one room country school as a child, I learned many pioneer Proverbs, or adages, which according to an old Webster's dictionary is "an ancient proverb." The adage I learned about weather, I thought perhaps was based on scientific fact. When the rooster crows at night, he tells us rain is in sight. Swallows fly high - clear blue sky, swallows fly low - rain, we shall know. The adages we learned are part of our American heritage.
Episode 127: A Gaelic Blessing →
Every year as St. Patrick's Day approaches, I have very special warm feelings about the Irish blessings I've experienced throughout my long life by having those very special Irish friends. On March 17th, we remember St. Patrick. Who was St. Patrick? He was a boy who had been kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave. He managed to escape. However, he returned to spend the rest of his life telling people about the God he loved.
Episode 125: Those Horse & Buggy Days →
It has been such a joy to receive letters from around the world over the holidays, and from such warm places like Florida and California. It did spread some sunshine when we had cold winter days and nights. But now we wake up for soon we will experience the glories of springtime. This past week a beautiful letter came from California. This dear lady faithfully reads the warm thoughts column and it brings many memories of living out here on the prairie near Dolton, when it was a busy city and had a bank and two grocery stores. She shares her memories on the farm, raising her family, teaching school and giving piano lessons to many students. Her retirement now is filled with memories and I hope she writes her story of her life near Dolton to share with her children, grandchildren and others. You are a real inspiration with that wonderful pioneer spirit to keep on keepin on.
Episode 99: The Pioneers of Yesteryear →
Each year on July 4th we commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and we celebrate the birthday of our nation. It is a time to renew patriotism, and add a consciousness that our nation needs our prayers. It is a time when we are even more aware of the freedoms we enjoy here in America. With thankful hearts we sing America the Beautiful, and God bless America.
Episode 62: Living on the Farm →
It is fun to live on a farm and to live in the little home on the prairie. Some days I feel like one of the pioneers who homesteaded on the prairie. After all, I told myself that I am one of the last of the pioneers with the, "good old pioneer spirit." Yes, I sometimes feel like I live between the old ways of Midwestern culture and the new world of technology.