Every year now, as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day approaches, my memories take me to the little town of Bethlehem. How special it was to be able to worship in a cave on the shepherd hills in Bethlehem. The night I worshiped in a cave on those shepherd hills will long remain in my memories. We traveled the winding roads of those hills with Abraham as the driver of the bus called the guiding star and Elijah and Gabriel guided the driver. As we sang those beautiful Christmas carols, it seems that the angels in heaven were helping us to sing on the shepherd hills. I wrote about this unforgettable experience later high on the hill in an international hotel in Jerusalem, and will share a few thoughts with you.
Episode 117: Christmas in a Cave →
Recently, my dear friend from Nebraska shared with me her anticipated pre-Christmas pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her excitement over being able to be in His land in the Christmas season brought many warm thoughts to my mind. It was 10 years ago that I experienced the joy of worshipping in a cave on the shepherd hills on Christmas Eve. While the many experiences I had the day before Christmas, and on Christmas day were so vivid in my mind. I wrote them down the day after Christmas, in the International Hotel on a hill in Jerusalem. And I will share these thoughts with you dear readers of this Warm Thoughts column.