Visual Benedictions

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Episode 144: The Parent of all Virtues

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Episode 144 - The Parent of All Virtues Visual Benedictions

In last week's column, it was mentioned that one of the best attitudes is gratitude. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated one day of the year. Thanksgiving and thanksliving is an attitude that can be practiced every day, making it a daily habit. My observation throughout the years is that the happiest persons are the most grateful individuals. They live "The Attitude of Gratitude" each day of their lives, an awakened, revitalized recognition of our blessings encourages gratitude thoughts.

The late A.W. Tozer once wrote about this daily habit of thanks and gratitude, he said that "this habit will cure a host of injurious evils. In our dispositions, self pity, resentment, murmuring faultfinding. All these will wither and die of themselves, for how can they grow inside a heart overflowing with gratitude and praise. Gratitude takes three forms of feeling in the heart and expression in words and a giving in return. A grateful heart is a parent of all virtues."

I have a friend who has been an inspiration to me throughout the years of my life. She keeps a daily gratitude journal and is very generous in writing thank you notes to friends. I have learned from her that a thankful and grateful heart is an attitude and expression of gratitude for the people and things that enrich your lives. She also encourages others to write these thank you notes to people while they are still living. It seems quite apparent that the attitude of gratitude is really meant to be a daily experience for everyone. How exciting and enriching our lives can be when we daily count our blessings and practice the attitude of gratitude.

Warm thought: "Gratitude is the memory of the heart." Jean-Baptiste Massieu. "Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul and the heart of man knoweth none more fragrant." Hosea Ballou. Counting blessings always shows a profit.

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G Werner

Published in the Marion Record July 24th, 1997.

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Till next time,
