Throughout the country, many schools will be opening their doors already in August. Summer vacation will soon end. For some, it has been a time for summer reading and summer school activities and preparation for the coming school year.
Episode 144: The Parent of all Virtues →
In last week's column, it was mentioned that one of the best attitudes is gratitude. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated one day of the year. Thanksgiving and thanksliving is an attitude that can be practiced every day, making it a daily habit. My observation throughout the years is that the happiest persons are the most grateful individuals. They live "The Attitude of Gratitude" each day of their lives, an awakened, revitalized recognition of our blessings encourages gratitude thoughts.
Episode 31: Sweetest Day →
Last week we had a few warm days, and we really enjoyed the beautiful summer weather. I remarked to my granddaughter about the warm weather and emphasized that it was really warm.
“Grandma, what does warm mean?” “Not so hot” was my quick reply.
Apparently I was having a brain cramp. At the moment, I said it would be too difficult for her to understand Webster's dictionary, or how the dictionary got started. I remember long ago, I was told how the dictionary got started, it was one night when Mr and Mrs Webster, got into an argument, and one word led to another and his famous dictionary was compiled at the age of seventy years.