Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving Day and many families will be gathered together to share thoughts on gratitude. Can you name at least seven things for which you are grateful? Do you believe in "Thank You" power in your life? The latest research on the impact of positive emotions in our lives is very interesting. The influence of gratitude is quantifiable, both physically and emotionally. Simply being thankful and making it a point to recognize those good things will positively change our lives. There is scientific proof that we will be happier, healthier, and better able to handle the stresses of daily life simply by saying, "thank you."
Episode 144: The Parent of all Virtues →
In last week's column, it was mentioned that one of the best attitudes is gratitude. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated one day of the year. Thanksgiving and thanksliving is an attitude that can be practiced every day, making it a daily habit. My observation throughout the years is that the happiest persons are the most grateful individuals. They live "The Attitude of Gratitude" each day of their lives, an awakened, revitalized recognition of our blessings encourages gratitude thoughts.
Episode 76: Giving Many Thanks →
Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for many families. Family traditions are often carried out on this day in many homes. It is also a good time to remember what we often forget - to say that we are grateful to be together. And to acknowledge with thanks, each other. It is a time to thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. Many warm thoughts come to mind. Recently I read some thoughts by Albert Schweitzer, a pioneer African missionary, and I would like to share his thoughts on thankfulness.