August is the time of year that families take that last fling and perhaps go to the mountains before school starts. It is often a quiet time of reflection, a time to reflect on many happy summertime activities. At a quiet moment, I discovered some beautiful thoughts by an unknown author that I'd like to share with my loyal readers of the Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 83: Let George Do It →
In the last warm thoughts column, I shared thoughts on the celebration of Presidents Day. Perhaps the first celebration of Presidents Day was in 1782. George Washington's Birthday was first celebrated in that year. The observance took the place of the birthday celebrations of the various sovereigns of Great Britain, which had been customary during colonial times. Services were held at Washington's home in Mount Vernon and at the Washington Monument in the National Capital. Since George Washington was our first president, he was often called the "Father of our Country." I often thought that perhaps, that was the reason the expression, "Let George do it," still is heard at times of confusion and distress. In front of the Federal Building in New York's financial district, stands on bronze statue of Washington. The world has moved on in a dizzying pace since his time. But the figure has not moved in inch.
Episode 50: Memories of Love →
It is a real joy to receive letters from the readers of this warm thoughts column. There are so many gifted writers and I am happy that I can share their thoughts, often in my column. Keep sending your warm and precious thoughts. A reader of this column from Ohio, who has had her poems published in books and magazines, recently sent me her thoughts on memories from long ago.