Easter joy! May all of you who read this column have a joyous Easter season. The day of Easter 1993 may be history, but the joy of that first Easter and the joy of every Easter sunrise service and every Easter celebration since that first Easter will live on and on. In my last column I shared some warm thoughts about Bethlehem and the plight to the Holy Land. If it were not for Easter, the season of Christmas would not be a celebration. Easter is truly a celebration of life.
Episode 159: The Letter You Did Not Write →
The holidays are approaching so fast. Already, I am receiving those holiday letters as I have a few friends who write their holiday letter about family in October. It seems that many people in this high-tech age no longer write those personal letters.
Episode 142: A Letter →
It is such a joy to receive letters from the readers of this column. I appreciate it so much when they include some gems of thought that I can share with you all throughout this column. In this day of high technology, the fax machine is used to communicate, (email and the computer) for our relationships. That personal handwritten letter may soon become a gift of the past. Here is the thought a faithful reader from Florida sent me.
Episode 100: Mailed Letters - A Gift of the Past →
It is such a joy to receive letters from the readers of this column. I appreciate it so much when they include some gems of thought that I can share with you all through this column. In this day of high technology, the fax machine is used to communicate, email, and the computer for our relationships. That personal handwritten letter may soon become a gift of the past. Here is the thought a faithful reader from Florida sent me.