Every parent has a dream that their child will succeed in school. And the question they may ask is, "How can I help my children succeed in getting a great education?" As a mother and grandmother, this has been a real concern for me. I found it very interesting to learn about research that Judith Ann Hillard did for her doctorate. Her research is based on a sampling of more than 1,800 students. I believe you will appreciate the following 10 tips Judith found, which are backed up by statistics and her research.
Episode 82: Violets & Saint Valentine →
We welcome the month of February. It begins with National Freedom Day, on February 1 and Groundhog Day on February 2. It is the month for Valentine's Day, the month when our attention is focused on love, and gifts of love are presented to those for whom we have warm and loving feelings. It is the month we celebrate Presidents Day, and have many warm and patriotic thoughts for our beloved country. I recently read thoughts about the story of Saint Valentine. Perhaps it is best understood from the poem Helen Steiner Rice wrote that describes what the real meaning of this special signifies.