Christmas brings us many memories. For me, Christmas is a season that is very dear to my heart. I want to live in the Christmas spirit all year long! Is it any wonder when you come to that little home on the prairie that you may get a cup of Christmas tea and a warm welcome? The end of another year is approaching very rapidly. It is hard to believe that 1996 will soon be history.
Episode 163: Peace, Sweet Peace →
Recently I heard Terry Anderson speak at the University of South Dakota. Some of the readers of this column will remember the day he was released from the gloom of a Beirut prison four years ago on December 4th, 1991. Terry Anderson had been with the Associated Press in Lebanon when he was kidnapped and taken captive for seven years, or 2,454 days. He was chained to a wall in prison and lived at the uncertain mercy of his captors.
Episode 82: Violets & Saint Valentine →
We welcome the month of February. It begins with National Freedom Day, on February 1 and Groundhog Day on February 2. It is the month for Valentine's Day, the month when our attention is focused on love, and gifts of love are presented to those for whom we have warm and loving feelings. It is the month we celebrate Presidents Day, and have many warm and patriotic thoughts for our beloved country. I recently read thoughts about the story of Saint Valentine. Perhaps it is best understood from the poem Helen Steiner Rice wrote that describes what the real meaning of this special signifies.