Recently, one of the readers of this column from Texas sent me an article entitled, "We Are Survivors: Consider the Changes We Witnessed." I thought it appropriate to share some of the thoughts from this article. Individuals who were born prior to 1945 will especially understand the changes in their lives.
Episode 133: A Mother's Letter to Her Daughter →
When you read this warm thoughts column, it will be just a couple of days before Mother's Day. Many families will be together on this special family day honoring their mother. Recently, I read an essay - a letter a mother wrote to her daughter. It touched my heart and no doubt will be taped on a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. And so I will share it with you my readers.
Episode 125: Those Horse & Buggy Days →
It has been such a joy to receive letters from around the world over the holidays, and from such warm places like Florida and California. It did spread some sunshine when we had cold winter days and nights. But now we wake up for soon we will experience the glories of springtime. This past week a beautiful letter came from California. This dear lady faithfully reads the warm thoughts column and it brings many memories of living out here on the prairie near Dolton, when it was a busy city and had a bank and two grocery stores. She shares her memories on the farm, raising her family, teaching school and giving piano lessons to many students. Her retirement now is filled with memories and I hope she writes her story of her life near Dolton to share with her children, grandchildren and others. You are a real inspiration with that wonderful pioneer spirit to keep on keepin on.
Episode 119: Treasures of a Far More Lasting Kind →
It was a winter wonderland as my friend and I traveled the other morning. The sun shone brightly on every tree decked out in full glory. The blizzards of yesterday and yesteryear are forgotten when one sees those snowflakes glisten and sparkle. The world around us was a heavenly mantle of white. One can truly appreciate each season of the year.
Episode 77: A Church on Fire →
In last week's column I shared with you many warm thoughts on accepting challenges in life, with a heart filled with thanks. Each day brings us new challenges and changes in our lives. And sometimes it seems unbelievable in our way of thinking about challenges.
Episode 68: The Gift of Grandmothers →
Recently, at a mother daughter banquet, I was asked to read an essay written by an eight year old daughter. Laughter filled the room, and I was not so sure if the group was laughing at me, or the essay that I was reading. Since National Grandparents Day for this year is another memory, I thought I'd share the essay with you, my dear readers of the Warm Thoughts column. The young unknown author shares thoughts on what is a grandma. I will share thoughts from the essay.
Episode 66: Poets of the World →
I began writing this column as I was flying 35,000 feet in the air, on my way to a symposium and convention in Washington DC. It was my very first trip to the nation's capitol. And I remember long ago reading how to reach Washington DC. I read that one was to go to Harvard first, and then turn left. And here I was flying by air to my destination and hearing those famous words, "Fasten your seat belts!" Yes. The weather was very warm there until on Sunday afternoon when I was to return home, that showers of rain fell upon the city. It was also a great joy to be able to meet with extended family at the Crystal Cafe near the airport, and share with them the exciting days at the Washington Hilton, where the symposium and convention was held.
Episode 57: Moments with Family →
This warm thoughts column on family during National Family Month had a beginning as I was 16,000 miles in the air, flying over beautiful Ohio, and returning from visiting family. It was very special to be able to attend the grand opening at the Werner funeral services in Mansfield, Ohio.
Another highlight of my Ohio visit was to be able to attend the graduation ceremonies of my granddaughter, Rosa Werner. Six-year-old Rosa was radiant as she walked across the stage and received her Master's Degree in Kindness Acts from Kindergarten. It was so special for her two grandmas to share in that moment.
Episode 46: Love is a Gift →
Valentine greetings! When you read this column it will be the week of Valentine's Day. From Ohio this past week, came a letter with several poems and one was on love, which really touched my heart. Ruth George is something and still very young at heart. It will bring her much joy to be able to share these warm thoughts on love with you, dear readers of this column.
Episode 30: Independent Females →
Last week I shared thoughts by President Herbert Hoover on “What is a Boy.” When I read those thoughts to my seven-year-old grandson, he stated very emphatically, “Grandma, you still have a lot to learn yet about boys.” Lou Henry Hoover, wife of President Hoover, wrote an enlightening essay on “The Independent Girl.” This essay was perhaps written a century ago.