Visual Benedictions

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Episode 70: Skipping Kindergarten

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Episode 70 - Skipping Kindergarten Visual Benedictions

Now that you know about that humor box that needs a filing system, you may just be a little curious what gems of thought are in that box. I have always been blessed whenever I listen to the children. Consequently, I file away their thoughts in my treasure thoughts, along with that bit of humor that adds zest in my day.

I remember reading this poem, years ago.

Between the dark, and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower, come the pause and the day's occupation. That is known as the children's hour. Amazing as it may seem, some of the greatest creative thoughts come to the children in the evening hour, and we may think that we are too tired. 

Since I was born in the day before kindergarten, I cannot say with Robert Fulghum, "All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten." I find the need to listen to the children who could write many how-to manuals and handbooks. Especially interesting is their thoughts on how they would manage a farm. Their methods sound so simple. For they choose to do it the simple way, not so complicated. The simplest way of how to milk a cow is to first get a lady cow. The second step is to pull her "others," and just squeeze. And of course, the third step is to get milk and fill the bucket. "Isn't that simple as pie?" I was asked after listening to these simple directions. Feeding Old McDonald's pig is another story, and very interesting and rather simple, when you listen to the children with a creative imagination. First step is to listen when the pig says, "oink, oink!" Next, you put on rubber gloves because the food smells. Then you mix old beans, corn, old eggs, or anything too old to eat. Put food in the pig dish and wait until he eats it.Then you can go and play.

I am simply filled with wonder at the creative imagination that children in kindergarten have these days. I am sure I will learn more, as I listen. I still have a lot to learn as I missed kindergarten. 

Warm Thoughts: Respect your child's enthusiasm and creative imagination. Make time for hunting rainbows. Have many warm thoughts, as you listen to the children. 

Warm Thoughts from the Little Home on the Prairie Over a Cup of Tea by Luetta G. Werner

September 18th, 1994

Published in the Marion Record

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Till next time,
