The author who wrote the book, "All I ever Learned I Learned in Kindergarten," could not have meant it for the generation who were born before kindergarten began. Since I never attended kindergarten, I find special joy and listening to granddaughter Trina telling me what she is learning in her kindergarten class. She is learning some new songs I've never heard before, among other things that I do not know. How exciting it must be to go to kindergarten! I was amused the other day when I read an essay written by an unknown author entitled, "All I Need to Know About Life, I Learned From a Cow."
Episode 70: Skipping Kindergarten →
Now that you know about that humor box that needs a filing system, you may just be a little curious what gems of thought are in that box. I have always been blessed whenever I listen to the children. Consequently, I file away their thoughts in my treasure thoughts, along with that bit of humor that adds zest in my day.
I remember reading this poem, years ago.
Between the dark, and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower, come the pause and the day's occupation. That is known as the children's hour. Amazing as it may seem, some of the greatest creative thoughts come to the children in the evening hour, and we may think that we are too tired.