The Labor Day weekend provides a great holiday for families who still need a few more days vacation. September is when we start counting the days of summer we still have left. September is also the month for Grandparents Day. This past summer, the grandchildren came to vacation at the little home on the prairie. One day I heard the older grandchildren laughing upstairs. They had found grandma's humor box. The youngest grandchild, very active two-year-old, Trevor, keeps everyone challenged. Grandma would rub his back at naptime. When he returned home from vacation, he ordered his dad, "Rub my back!" It is a real joy to receive many warm thoughts from the readers of this column. Recently, someone sent a poem which I will share with you.
Episode 145: Off-the-Wall Humor & Down-to-Earth Inspiration →
Throughout the country, many schools will be opening their doors already in August. Summer vacation will soon end. For some, it has been a time for summer reading and summer school activities and preparation for the coming school year.
Episode 127: A Gaelic Blessing →
Every year as St. Patrick's Day approaches, I have very special warm feelings about the Irish blessings I've experienced throughout my long life by having those very special Irish friends. On March 17th, we remember St. Patrick. Who was St. Patrick? He was a boy who had been kidnapped and taken to Ireland as a slave. He managed to escape. However, he returned to spend the rest of his life telling people about the God he loved.
Episode 108: Quiet Forces →
As I was traveling home after ending the Prayer Vigil of the American Mothers Association, many warm thoughts came to mind...thoughts about the future and how important it is that we think in the future tense and prepare ourselves for a 21st century. We do need to respect and honor the traditions and opinions of our forefathers and foremothers. It is in their accumulated wisdom and experience that much of the stability of a civilized society now rests, and we are thankful.
Recently I received a letter from a writer and poet in Florida. Sarah Gray has given permission to use her beautiful thoughts in this week’s warm thoughts column.
Episode 70: Skipping Kindergarten →
Now that you know about that humor box that needs a filing system, you may just be a little curious what gems of thought are in that box. I have always been blessed whenever I listen to the children. Consequently, I file away their thoughts in my treasure thoughts, along with that bit of humor that adds zest in my day.
I remember reading this poem, years ago.
Between the dark, and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower, come the pause and the day's occupation. That is known as the children's hour. Amazing as it may seem, some of the greatest creative thoughts come to the children in the evening hour, and we may think that we are too tired.