March. Is it really here already? Where does the time go? March is a month during which the season of spring is welcomed after the long winter. Recently I read some thoughts on time and what a precious gift, time is. Time is a treasure. Each day is precious with 24 hours to use as I choose, and to spend at my own discretion. Time is life's greatest asset, a generous gift from the Creator, yet not one hour may be stored for the future. And our affluent society, no one can beg, borrow or buy an additional day. Even the most fabulous fortune cannot purchase the fleeting moments, or call them back once they are gone. Time waits for no one. It travels swiftly and in silence linked with the rising and setting sun. Like a vapor, it is here one moment, and gone the next. Days disappearing so quickly that we sometimes stand in utter amazement and ask, "Where has the time gone?" If challenges have been met with courage, tasks accomplished to the best of our ability, and warm meaningful relationships made along the way, then we may say with certainty that this day has been lived to the fullest.
Episode 70: Skipping Kindergarten →
Now that you know about that humor box that needs a filing system, you may just be a little curious what gems of thought are in that box. I have always been blessed whenever I listen to the children. Consequently, I file away their thoughts in my treasure thoughts, along with that bit of humor that adds zest in my day.
I remember reading this poem, years ago.
Between the dark, and the daylight. When the night is beginning to lower, come the pause and the day's occupation. That is known as the children's hour. Amazing as it may seem, some of the greatest creative thoughts come to the children in the evening hour, and we may think that we are too tired.