May is the month when families come together for the Memorial Day weekend. I shall never forget the memorial service I once attended in a cemetery. And as I stood at the grave of a veteran who had given his life for his country, this poem was read over the loudspeaker, and I would like to share it with you in this week's Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 133: A Mother's Letter to Her Daughter →
When you read this warm thoughts column, it will be just a couple of days before Mother's Day. Many families will be together on this special family day honoring their mother. Recently, I read an essay - a letter a mother wrote to her daughter. It touched my heart and no doubt will be taped on a kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. And so I will share it with you my readers.
Episode 110: Season of Beauty →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life, in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experience when seasons change in some parts of the world. In the month of October, there is also a Sunday called "mother in law's day". I call it, "mother-in-love," and then a column last May, I shared the poem by an unknown author entitled "Mother-in-Love." I would be glad to send you this beautiful poem, if you write me and ask for copy.
Episode 72: Mothers & Daughters →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experienced when seasons change in some parts of the world.
Episode 68: The Gift of Grandmothers →
Recently, at a mother daughter banquet, I was asked to read an essay written by an eight year old daughter. Laughter filled the room, and I was not so sure if the group was laughing at me, or the essay that I was reading. Since National Grandparents Day for this year is another memory, I thought I'd share the essay with you, my dear readers of the Warm Thoughts column. The young unknown author shares thoughts on what is a grandma. I will share thoughts from the essay.