Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for many families. Family traditions are often carried out on this day in many homes. It is also a good time to remember what we often forget to say - that we are grateful to be together and to acknowledge with thanks, each other. It is a time to thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. Many warm thoughts come to mind.
Episode 156: Make a Difference →
A recent warm thoughts column provided information about "Make a Difference Day," which is October 26th. It is a day when everyone is encouraged to make a difference in their community and world by making it a day of caring. An annual national day of helping others. Across the nation, about one million Americans will help others on this Make a Difference Day. Can one person make a difference? We are aware that there have been many difference makers in history.
Episode 76: Giving Many Thanks →
Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for many families. Family traditions are often carried out on this day in many homes. It is also a good time to remember what we often forget - to say that we are grateful to be together. And to acknowledge with thanks, each other. It is a time to thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. Many warm thoughts come to mind. Recently I read some thoughts by Albert Schweitzer, a pioneer African missionary, and I would like to share his thoughts on thankfulness.