Recently, I read a book by H. Jackson Brown Jr. entitled, "Live and Learn and Pass it On." In the book, people, ages 5 to 95 share what they have discovered about life, love, and other good stuff. Some of the thoughts are a bit humorous, but somehow we can get the message. I've personally discovered throughout my years that if we really listen, we can learn so much.
Episode 192: I've Learned... →
Recently, I read a book by H. Jackson Brown Jr. entitled, "Live and Learn and Pass it On." In the book, people ages 5 to 95 share what they have discovered about life, love, and other good stuff. Some of the thoughts are a bit humorous, but somehow we can get the message. I've personally discovered throughout my years that if we really listen, we can learn so much.
Episode 147: Adages of American Heritage →
When I went to the one room country school as a child, I learned many pioneer Proverbs, or adages, which according to an old Webster's dictionary is "an ancient proverb." The adage I learned about weather, I thought perhaps was based on scientific fact. When the rooster crows at night, he tells us rain is in sight. Swallows fly high - clear blue sky, swallows fly low - rain, we shall know. The adages we learned are part of our American heritage.
Episode 146: Hold Hands & Stick Together →
In many parts of the country students are making preparations to return to the classroom and the books. My grandson, Trevor, is all excited about going to kindergarten. It is only recently that he graduated from Crayola College. His excitement about going to kindergarten has really rubbed off on his old grandma who lived in an era before kindergarten, and it took me all my first grade to write my long name.
Episode 73: Learning from the Cows →
The author who wrote the book, "All I ever Learned I Learned in Kindergarten," could not have meant it for the generation who were born before kindergarten began. Since I never attended kindergarten, I find special joy and listening to granddaughter Trina telling me what she is learning in her kindergarten class. She is learning some new songs I've never heard before, among other things that I do not know. How exciting it must be to go to kindergarten! I was amused the other day when I read an essay written by an unknown author entitled, "All I Need to Know About Life, I Learned From a Cow."