Every year now, as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day approaches, my memories take me to the little town of Bethlehem. How special it was to be able to worship in a cave on the shepherd hills in Bethlehem. The night I worshiped in a cave on those shepherd hills will long remain in my memories. We traveled the winding roads of those hills with Abraham as the driver of the bus called the guiding star and Elijah and Gabriel guided the driver. As we sang those beautiful Christmas carols, it seems that the angels in heaven were helping us to sing on the shepherd hills. I wrote about this unforgettable experience later high on the hill in an international hotel in Jerusalem, and will share a few thoughts with you.
Episode 204: Liberty →
November: the month of Remembrance Day, also known as Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day. How thankful we are to live in our America. Liberty, so precious a gift for each of us. It is so special that we can enjoy our liberty every day here in America.
Episode 200: Autumn is Magic →
A loyal reader of this warm thoughts column sent me the story about how Oktoberfest began. Some communities throughout the country celebrate Oktoberfest or have harvest festivals. Thanks dear friend for sending the history of the Oktoberfest.
Episode 199: Surviving the Changes of Life →
Recently, one of the readers of this column from Texas sent me an article entitled, "We are Survivors: Consider the Changes we have Witnessed." I thought it appropriate to share some of the thoughts from this article.
Episode 196: Our Duty to Serve & Give →
One of the most faithful readers of this warm thoughts column has sent his significant insights from the book entitled, "Never Give In." This book was written by Stephen Mansfield and is about the extraordinary character of Winston Churchill. In a recent issue of the US News and World Report, it asked about heroes and the magazine shares the lives of 20 men and women who risked it all to make a difference. Winston Churchill was truly one of the heroes of England, although he was hated and rejected in various ways.
Episode 188: The Flag of Stars & Stripes →
It is that time of year when many patriotic thoughts arise as we see the flag flying high in the sky. I am very impressed in my travels to note where homes fly the flag on a daily basis.
Episode 187: Guardian Angels →
To the readers of this column: a favorite column of the readers is being repeated by request. It seems there is a special interest in angels and this topic has especially interested my grandchildren. My five-year-old granddaughter has a great need to hold her birthday angel like a security blanket as she travels on vacations.
Episode 186: Children Learn What They Live →
The second Sunday in June is "Children's Day." The following Sunday, we celebrate Father's Day. A great deal of concern has been focused on our children as the dawn of a new century is fast approaching. Children who have graduated this last year in the 20th century are told that they will be shaping the next century. What a challenge for our children and grandchildren!
Episode 185: Ascension Day →
Today is Ascension Day. Some churches throughout the world observe this church festival day with special services. Ascension Day is on Thursday, forty days after Easter. It commemorates Christ's ascension which took place by tradition at the Mount of Olives near Bethany in the Holy Land.
Episode 184: Come Visit My Grave →
May is the month when families come together for the Memorial Day weekend. I shall never forget the memorial service I once attended in a cemetery. And as I stood at the grave of a veteran who had given his life for his country, this poem was read over the loudspeaker, and I would like to share it with you in this week's Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 183: All Around Me, Peaceful →
May is family month! When you read this week's column, many of you will be looking forward to a day off from work - a three day weekend, the opening of the swimming pool, and the official start of the summer season. You may be celebrating life with family and friends. Memorial Day is a day and a time to remember the dead, especially those who perished in America's wars. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Episode 180: Builders of the Future →
Today, May 3rd, 2001, is National Day of Prayer. Many a church door will be open for prayer warriors to enter and pray on this special day. Wherever we may be, may we observe this very special day of prayer for our country and the leaders of our nation. Our nation was born in a meeting based on prayer. Many important decisions were only made after careful prayer to God. Unless the people of our nation and its leaders turn to God in prayer, our best plans will fail. Mighty leaders in the past have not hesitated to bow down before God. Our first President, George Washington, was recognized by members in Congress to kneel in prayer. Our forefathers and foremothers are known for being prayer warriors. Many events in history have been altered and changed when people have gone to their knees in believing prayer.
Episode 168: We Are Never Too Old →
In last week's warm thoughts column we shared thoughts on the importance of listening to the children. I never cease to be amazed at the words of wisdom children can give you when you really listen to them. My experience throughout the years has also been that one can gain wisdom and understanding when we really listened to the older generation. Their wealth of experiences are a treasure and need to be shared.
Episode 164: The Christmas Spirit, All Year Long →
Christmas brings us many memories. For me, Christmas is a season that is very dear to my heart. I want to live in the Christmas spirit all year long! Is it any wonder when you come to that little home on the prairie that you may get a cup of Christmas tea and a warm welcome? The end of another year is approaching very rapidly. It is hard to believe that 1996 will soon be history.
Episode 163: Peace, Sweet Peace →
Recently I heard Terry Anderson speak at the University of South Dakota. Some of the readers of this column will remember the day he was released from the gloom of a Beirut prison four years ago on December 4th, 1991. Terry Anderson had been with the Associated Press in Lebanon when he was kidnapped and taken captive for seven years, or 2,454 days. He was chained to a wall in prison and lived at the uncertain mercy of his captors.
Episode 161: The Power of "Thank You" →
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving Day and many families will be gathered together to share thoughts on gratitude. Can you name at least seven things for which you are grateful? Do you believe in "Thank You" power in your life? The latest research on the impact of positive emotions in our lives is very interesting. The influence of gratitude is quantifiable, both physically and emotionally. Simply being thankful and making it a point to recognize those good things will positively change our lives. There is scientific proof that we will be happier, healthier, and better able to handle the stresses of daily life simply by saying, "thank you."
Episode 160: A Thankful Tribute →
Families throughout our country will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. That first holiday was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621. Chief Massasoit and his braves joined with the colonists to feast after the first successful harvest. Together they thanked God for His goodness. I was very touched and thankful when I read about the efforts of one woman, Sarah Josephea Hale, to help make it a national, legal holiday. It is true that President George Washington as the leader of the nation, issued a proclamation in 1789 that November 26th be recognized as a day of thanks.
Episode 157: God Bless You →
The month of October has been designated as "Clergy Appreciation Month." Many congregations throughout the country have expressed special thanks to their pastor and given honor to the pastoral ministry during this month. We have become more aware that the pastoral ministry makes great demands upon the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the individuals that we call pastor. An unknown author has expressed as thanks in the following warm thoughts. "To our Pastor: God bless you for the work you've done in the service of our Lord. May His constant blessing be your well deserved reward as you meet the challenge of the tasks God gives to you. May faith and hope and happiness be yours in all you do."
Episode 156: Make a Difference →
A recent warm thoughts column provided information about "Make a Difference Day," which is October 26th. It is a day when everyone is encouraged to make a difference in their community and world by making it a day of caring. An annual national day of helping others. Across the nation, about one million Americans will help others on this Make a Difference Day. Can one person make a difference? We are aware that there have been many difference makers in history.
Episode 153: We Are Survivors →
Recently, one of the readers of this column from Texas sent me an article entitled, "We are Survivors: Consider the changes we've witnessed." I thought it appropriate to share some of the thoughts from this article.