This past week I had read the book "Dakota," a spiritual geography by Kathleen Norris, who lives in Lemmon, South Dakota with her husband David Droyer, who is a poet. Kathleen has also written two books of poetry, "Falling Off," and "The Middle of the World." Perhaps some of you have read this memoir, which is a remarkable new work of nonfiction.
Episode 176: My Walk with Jesus →
At this time each year, we all look forward to the glorious Easter season and experience the joy of Easter morning. The week before Easter is especially meaningful to me, as I recall my pre-easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land and walking that road to Calvary. When I returned from my pilgrimmage, I wrote these thoughts that I would like to share with you now.
Episode 173: St. Patrick & the Shamrock →
Right after St. Valentine's Day was history, I immediately saw St. Patrick's Day cards and decorations in the stores. There may be signs of winter and white snow around us, but the Shamrock decorations of green are symbolic of life and soon we'll have St. Patrick's Day and spring. I've always been curious about Bishop Patrick and why people considered him a saint in their lives. In my research, I read about the legend of the Shamrock and will share these thoughts with you.
Episode 172: Sunshine in a Smile →
The first of March is "Share a Smile Day." Why just one day? Let's make every day a National Smile Day! Joseph Addison puts it this way, "What sunshine is to the flowers, smiles are to humanity...the good they do is inconceivable." Remember, it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 to smile! A world traveler once explained, "In all the countries I have been to, everyone understands a smile." We soon learn when we travel that all people smile in the same language.
Episode 171: Listening to the Children →
In recent Warm Thoughts columns you've read about the joy one receives when you really listen to the children. Their words of wisdom not only surprise us, but their thoughts jog our minds to higher levels of understanding, for they are our master teachers. I was so pleased to learn that our governor signed a proclamation encouraging us to find a child to read to on March 2nd. This date is "America's Read to Kids Day." It is hoped that all states will become aware of how important it is to read to the children. This is a nationwide campaign to encourage reading.
Episode 165: Today is Life →
Happy New Year! This is the first column for the new year. Perhaps you have already been asked, "Have you made your New Year's resolutions already?" For me, it almost seems like a dream that 1997 is here already. As my thoughts on this new year is before us, I am reminded of the motivational plaque which declares, "Yesterday is but a dream. Tomorrow is a vision of hope. Look to this day, for it is life." Let's celebrate life!
Episode 162: Relaxing with a Good Book →
During the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, many people travel by air and land to visit family. It is a busy time, and often the stress and strain from travel and the social events can cause us to feel overtired. It becomes apparent that we need to focus on the reason for the season. In my travels throughout the years, I have noticed people relaxing while reading a book. It is one of the ways of finding quiet moments of relaxation. I usually travel with books and find moments to have some quiet thoughts from the heart.
Episode 161: The Power of "Thank You" →
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving Day and many families will be gathered together to share thoughts on gratitude. Can you name at least seven things for which you are grateful? Do you believe in "Thank You" power in your life? The latest research on the impact of positive emotions in our lives is very interesting. The influence of gratitude is quantifiable, both physically and emotionally. Simply being thankful and making it a point to recognize those good things will positively change our lives. There is scientific proof that we will be happier, healthier, and better able to handle the stresses of daily life simply by saying, "thank you."
Episode 160: A Thankful Tribute →
Families throughout our country will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. That first holiday was celebrated by the pilgrims in 1621. Chief Massasoit and his braves joined with the colonists to feast after the first successful harvest. Together they thanked God for His goodness. I was very touched and thankful when I read about the efforts of one woman, Sarah Josephea Hale, to help make it a national, legal holiday. It is true that President George Washington as the leader of the nation, issued a proclamation in 1789 that November 26th be recognized as a day of thanks.
Episode 157: God Bless You →
The month of October has been designated as "Clergy Appreciation Month." Many congregations throughout the country have expressed special thanks to their pastor and given honor to the pastoral ministry during this month. We have become more aware that the pastoral ministry makes great demands upon the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the individuals that we call pastor. An unknown author has expressed as thanks in the following warm thoughts. "To our Pastor: God bless you for the work you've done in the service of our Lord. May His constant blessing be your well deserved reward as you meet the challenge of the tasks God gives to you. May faith and hope and happiness be yours in all you do."
Episode 156: Make a Difference →
A recent warm thoughts column provided information about "Make a Difference Day," which is October 26th. It is a day when everyone is encouraged to make a difference in their community and world by making it a day of caring. An annual national day of helping others. Across the nation, about one million Americans will help others on this Make a Difference Day. Can one person make a difference? We are aware that there have been many difference makers in history.
Episode 150: Grandparent Hugs →
Every year at this time I am reminded by letters I received about International Hug Day. This year, it is September 17th. It is rather interesting that it is a week later than Grandparents Day. The National Grandparents Day is the second Sunday in September every year.
Episode 141: God Bless America & You →
Did you celebrate America's birthday? Over 200 years have come and gone for our good, old USA. Many ceremonies come to mind as we remember celebrating Independence Day. As we reflect on the month of June, and Father's Day celebrations with family, my thoughts reflect on historical facts about the father of our country, George Washington. Recently I read Washington's prayer for our country. And I would like to share his warm thoughts for our country.
Episode 140: Healing Liberty →
It is that time of year when many patriotic thoughts arise as we see the flag flying high in the sky. I am very impressed in my travels to note where homes fly the flag on a daily basis.
Episode 139: Fatherhood Throughout the Years →
When you read this warm thoughts column, Father's Day 1997 will be another memory. A dear Nebraska reader of this column sent me some thoughts on Father's Day - precious thoughts to ponder all year.
Episode 138: Old Glory →
When you read this column, it will only be a few days before Flag Day. I have often wondered if Old Glory could tell her story, just what she might tell us. Recently, I read some warm thoughts which I'd like to share with you, my dear readers of this column.
Episode 137: Like Flying a Kite →
June. The month for Children's Day, Father's Day, Flag day. A month for birthdays, wedding anniversaries, bridal showers, weddings, graduations, family reunions and the celebration of family. I find it very interesting that Children's Day and Flag Day fall on the same day and Father's Day and the first day of summer are also on the same day this year.
Episode 136: Our Lady of Freedom →
When you read this last column for the month of May, many thoughts come to mind about Memorial Day. As we reflect on the many Memorial days of the past, we experience many warm thoughts on peace and about our land of freedom. In this week's column, I will share a poem sent to me by a lady in her 80s. She is a very special friend who has been a real inspiration to me, especially during the last several weeks. She is a distinguished member of the International Society of Poetry, and her poetry will be featured in the "Best Poems of the 90s," a publication of the National Library of Poetry. And most recently, she was inducted into the Eastern Kentucky University's Hall of Distinguished Alumni.
Episode 131: Come with Me, and Abide →
At this time of year, we all look forward to the glorious Easter season and experience the joy of Easter morning. The week before Easter is especially meaningful for me as I recall my pre-Easter pilgrimage to the Holy Land and walking that road to Calvary. When I returned from my pilgrimage, I wrote these thoughts which I've used many times in a slide lecture on "My Journey with Jesus." And now I will share with you, my readers of this warm thoughts column.
Episode 130: Reconciliation Day →
As I flipped the calendar, I was shocked that it was April already and April Fool's Day! Some of the readers of this warm thoughts column will recall the fun we had as children and trying to fool someone on that day, even if we had to lie a little bit. It did seem permissible for just one day. You tried to fool at least one person and it was just a fun game.