As I flipped the calendar, I was shocked that it was April already and April Fool's Day. Some of the readers of this Warm Thoughts column will recall the fun we had as children and trying to fool someone on that day, even if we had to lie a bit. It did seem to be permissible for just a day. You tried to fool at least one person. It was just a fun game.
Episode 219: Forever Spring →
Happy Easter! Easter and Spring have arrived. As I write these warm thoughts, it is the week before Easter and there still are some mountains of snow surrounding the little home on the prairie. My grandson, Trevor, who lives in Nebraska and who is spending some special vacation days with his grandma in South Dakota, is overjoyed to make an Easter snowman. Is spring really here in South Dakota? The events following Palm Sunday bring many memories of my past trips to the Holy Land. Walking the Via Dolorosa on the way to Calvary is a memory that often comes to mind not only during Holy Week.
Episode 218: Family & Friends →
When you read this column, spring is on the calendar! Oh, the wonderland of spring. The birds begin to sing their springtime songs. Winter is past and sweet spring has come at last. The trees that once were lifeless will begin to turn green. Many schools throughout the country have had their spring break already and the next holiday to look forward to is Easter holiday. It is a time for special times with family and friends. Among the many Irish sayings, Irish Gerard Butler wrote some beautiful thoughts on family and friends which I would like to share with you.
Episode 215: A Visit from the President →
When you read this Warm Thoughts column and look at the calendar, it tells us that Abraham Lincoln's birthday is February 12th. In the one room country school where I went as a child, the pictures of George Washington and Abe Lincoln hung on the wall along with the ten commandments. In those years, the government recognized two President holidays in February. These two presidents became examples of compassion and courage in my life. George Washington was our first president and known as the father of our country. Abraham Lincoln was president during the Civil War. Very recently, I read an incident about Abraham Lincoln that happened in the Civil War. It really touched my heart during this heart month, and I felt compelled to share these thoughts on caring and compassion with you.
Episode 207: The Compassionate Friends →
This week I will encourage readers of this Warm Thoughts column to light a candle on Sunday, December 12th. When your child and perhaps your grandchild dies in a family, the world changes and you will never be the same person. Life goes on, but priorities change, and remembering the child who has died is an important way of traveling through your grief journey. The holiday season is especially difficult, as old traditions often give way to new or more meaningful traditions that help to remember the child, sibling, or grandchild or great grandchild who has died.
Episode 206: Giving Thanks to God →
Thanksgiving Day is a very special holiday for many families. Family traditions are often carried out on this day in many homes. It is also a good time to remember what we often forget to say - that we are grateful to be together and to acknowledge with thanks, each other. It is a time to thank the people who have made a difference in our lives. Many warm thoughts come to mind.
Episode 205: 10 Tips for Educational Success →
Every parent has a dream that their child will succeed in school. And the question they may ask is, "How can I help my children succeed in getting a great education?" As a mother and grandmother, this has been a real concern for me. I found it very interesting to learn about research that Judith Ann Hillard did for her doctorate. Her research is based on a sampling of more than 1,800 students. I believe you will appreciate the following 10 tips Judith found, which are backed up by statistics and her research.
Episode 204: Liberty →
November: the month of Remembrance Day, also known as Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day. How thankful we are to live in our America. Liberty, so precious a gift for each of us. It is so special that we can enjoy our liberty every day here in America.
Episode 203: Leadership Lessons from the Geese →
This is a time of year when some folks leave the Prairie Winds and go south for the winter. Folks down south who have permanent residence there will say, "The snowbirds are coming!" About the same time, the northern geese are going south too. Recently I read that these geese are not going as far south as they used to go in past years. These geese flap their wings and fly south and a "V" formation. In the spring they fly north and it is always a special time for us to learn some lessons from the geese.
Episode 201: Life Begins at 80 →
Recently, a few of my friends celebrated their 80th Birthday anniversaries. It was a very special occasion where family and friends came for an open house to celebrate life together. It is quite interesting that when I taught gerontology classes that I call the 80s the "lively 80s." An essay entitled, "Life begins at 80" supports those warm thoughts.
Episode 200: Autumn is Magic →
A loyal reader of this warm thoughts column sent me the story about how Oktoberfest began. Some communities throughout the country celebrate Oktoberfest or have harvest festivals. Thanks dear friend for sending the history of the Oktoberfest.
Episode 199: Surviving the Changes of Life →
Recently, one of the readers of this column from Texas sent me an article entitled, "We are Survivors: Consider the Changes we have Witnessed." I thought it appropriate to share some of the thoughts from this article.
Episode 198: How Can You Make a Difference? →
One of the very faithful readers of this Warm Thoughts column recently sent me an article entitled, "You can Make a Difference." It was an article informing the public to take action on October 26th and make that day a day of caring. A National Day to inform us that the Make a Difference Day can help everyone to help others. The sixth annual event in partnership with the Points of Light Foundation takes place on October 26th. Mark your calendar! How do you plan to spend Make a Difference Day? It may be a month away but it is not too early to think about what you can do to help your community pull together a project for the day. You can also make a difference in the life of even one lonely shut-in, give a helping hand to a busy mother, write a letter of cheer to someone in need of an encouraging word, or touch the life of a child by sharing a gift of time with that child. Perhaps Saturday October 26th does not fit into your schedule, then make it October 27th or a day that will also Make a Difference Day for you or someone in need.
Episode 197: Hugs for Everyone →
The Labor Day weekend provides a great holiday for families who still need a few more days vacation. September is when we start counting the days of summer we still have left. September is also the month for Grandparents Day. This past summer, the grandchildren came to vacation at the little home on the prairie. One day I heard the older grandchildren laughing upstairs. They had found grandma's humor box. The youngest grandchild, very active two-year-old, Trevor, keeps everyone challenged. Grandma would rub his back at naptime. When he returned home from vacation, he ordered his dad, "Rub my back!" It is a real joy to receive many warm thoughts from the readers of this column. Recently, someone sent a poem which I will share with you.
Episode 194: Thought Lines, Creases, & Wrinkles →
In last week's column, I closed my column with a youthful and warm thought. On my way to The Clipper to deliver the column, I stopped at the store to pick up a card for a very special friend in another state who was celebrating that special 50th birthday. I find myself amused at some of the deep thoughts and brilliant sayings on some greeting cards. This one stated on the front of the card, "On your birthday, remember, with age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes deep thought, with deep thought comes thought lines, creases and wrinkles."
Episode 193: Humans are like Tea Cups →
Summertime. Good, Ol' summertime. It is a good time to get in some summer reading. My grandchildren from Ohio sent me the book, "If Tea Cups Could Talk" by Emily Barnes. I have enjoyed reading the many warm thoughts in this book over a cup of tea. I have also had many special moments with the grandchildren as we have our tea party.
Episode 184: Come Visit My Grave →
May is the month when families come together for the Memorial Day weekend. I shall never forget the memorial service I once attended in a cemetery. And as I stood at the grave of a veteran who had given his life for his country, this poem was read over the loudspeaker, and I would like to share it with you in this week's Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 183: All Around Me, Peaceful →
May is family month! When you read this week's column, many of you will be looking forward to a day off from work - a three day weekend, the opening of the swimming pool, and the official start of the summer season. You may be celebrating life with family and friends. Memorial Day is a day and a time to remember the dead, especially those who perished in America's wars. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Episode 182: Mother of the Year →
As I write this column we are experiencing May showers. May the May showers bring blessings and May flowers! The weekend found many in the community planting their gardens and flowers. My joy and challenge was having a two-year-old granddaughter helping plant the seeds. Indeed a challenge with those little hands planting seeds of love!
Episode 181: Cheers to the Graduates! →
Cheers to the graduates! As I write this column, on the day of National Day of Prayer, many warm thoughts come to mind. Throughout the country, many students will be graduating from schools of learning this month. Graduation is both a happy and a sad occasion. The diploma, a symbol of excellence and knowledge, is the inheritance of our youth. I am reminded of what a big gray-haired, soft spoken Professor Greek once stated, as he handed out the diplomas. He said, "Young ladies and gentlemen, it is not possible for everyone to have a great intellect, but it is possible for everyone to have a great heart."