As many families were cutting down a Christmas tree to bring home to decorate, we hear the sad news about the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota. During the holiday season, we had to bid adieu to a great stately tree that had graced the campus at the University of South Dakota and Vermillion for 130 years. Students at the University had planted the Silver Maple on Arbor Day in 1884. This beautiful tree of God's creation had weathered the many storms of life throughout the years. Last year's winter storms caused its branches to be bent and it became necessary for us to bid This old tree our last respects. Throughout the years we read this inscription by this stately silver maple tree. This tree was grown in a local nursery and planted by students on Arbor Day, April 23rd, 1884. Over the years it has withstood the perils of both man and nature to become the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota.
Episode 114: Planting Seeds of Hope →
Every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Bible Sunday is observed. The theme for this year is "planting seeds of hope." As one research is survival on words of hope, there are many Bible promises on hope. Recently, pollster George Gallup Jr. speaking to a group of international reporters said, people in many nations appear to be searching with the new intensity for spiritual warnings. One of the key factors prompting this search is certainly a need for hope in these troubled times.
Episode 110: Season of Beauty →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life, in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experience when seasons change in some parts of the world. In the month of October, there is also a Sunday called "mother in law's day". I call it, "mother-in-love," and then a column last May, I shared the poem by an unknown author entitled "Mother-in-Love." I would be glad to send you this beautiful poem, if you write me and ask for copy.
Episode 107: A Job Well Done →
This is a wonderful time of year to travel along the country lanes and see the beautiful fields and the healthful skies above. The green earth is beginning to turn to gold and soon the reddish harvest moon, like a beacon from another planet will beam down on our world.
Recently I received a letter from a writer and poet in Florida. Sarah Gray has given permission to use her beautiful thoughts in this week’s warm thoughts column.
Episode 100: Mailed Letters - A Gift of the Past →
It is such a joy to receive letters from the readers of this column. I appreciate it so much when they include some gems of thought that I can share with you all through this column. In this day of high technology, the fax machine is used to communicate, email, and the computer for our relationships. That personal handwritten letter may soon become a gift of the past. Here is the thought a faithful reader from Florida sent me.
Episode 94: When I Am Old →
Since it is Older Americans Month, I had planned to repeat a favorite column including thoughts by a grandchild, until the following poem crossed my desk. The author is unknown. Whoever wrote it must have had a sense of humor and hoped their adult children would appreciate their literary skills.
Episode 92: Slow Me Down, Lord →
On Thursday, May 2nd we will again observe National Day of Prayer. It is interesting to know that the National Day of Prayer actually traces back to 1775 when the Continental Congress called for a day of prayer. It has become an annual observation for the people of the United States to turn to God in prayer and meditation. During this election year, our prayer thoughts are often for the leaders of our country and nation. I will share a prayer for our leaders I wrote many moons ago.
Episode 91: Little Pleasures →
This is the last day of April. The month of April has been National Poetry Month. It is interesting that a dear friend in Florida sent me in the mail, an original poem she wrote on her birthday. It is such a joy to be able to share with the readers of this warm thoughts column, the gems of thought and poetry. So thanks to Sarah Gray for her precious thoughts.
Episode 88: The Heart of Spring →
Happy Easter! Easter and Spring have arrived. As I write these warm thoughts, it is the week before Easter, and there are still some mountains of snow surrounding the little home on the prairie. My grandson, Trevor, who lives in Nebraska and who's spending some special vacation days with his grandma in South Dakota, is overjoyed to make an Easter snowman! Is spring really here in South Dakota?
Episode 87: The Wise Farmer's Computer Guide →
On a recent flight to Texas, I was seated near a retired pilot, and also near a very verbal young mother who's sister will be on that space flight going up on July 9th at 3am. Her sister is making this flight with the First Woman Commander. The retired pilot told me about his mother, who is now in her 90s. I shared the column on Live, Learn, and Tell, where I challenged you my readers to finish the thoughts age 90. This loving son finished the thought, so here it is. "At age 90 I survived at all, but I forgot what it was." Thanks Lenny!