November. We are thankful as we complete the gathering in of ripened crops that mature under the autumn skies. In November we honor our veterans who fought so that we stand free. We give thanks for our freedom of worship set in the beginnings of the pilgrims' landing, and the signing of our Declaration of Independence. It is the month when Abraham Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address November 16th 1863, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom. So that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. J. Edgar Hoover wrote an essay about the hope for America's future.
Episode 73: Learning from the Cows →
The author who wrote the book, "All I ever Learned I Learned in Kindergarten," could not have meant it for the generation who were born before kindergarten began. Since I never attended kindergarten, I find special joy and listening to granddaughter Trina telling me what she is learning in her kindergarten class. She is learning some new songs I've never heard before, among other things that I do not know. How exciting it must be to go to kindergarten! I was amused the other day when I read an essay written by an unknown author entitled, "All I Need to Know About Life, I Learned From a Cow."
Episode 72: Mothers & Daughters →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experienced when seasons change in some parts of the world.
Episode 71: Little Acts of Kindness →
It is such a joy to receive letters from the readers of this warm thoughts column. Your comments are always greatly appreciated. I have learned that there are many who appreciate the art of poetry and essays. Recently, the following poetry thoughts came across my desk. I am not sure who wrote them, but they brought encouragement to my friend who shared these thoughts.
Episode 69: International Day of Peace →
Remembering 911. America, a day in September, we cannot forget. The month of September will always bring thoughts about 911. On that day, each year, we commemorate the courage so many individuals exhibited when in unimaginable horror, we watched the collapse of the World Trade Center, a burning Pentagon and a smoke filled black hole in the Pennsylvania field. It was on that dreadful day 10 years ago that I was inspired to write these thoughts.
Episode 65: Intentional Counting →
Some time ago, a dear friend and great grandma who has faced many emotional challenges in her life, shared some thoughts about counting. This dear friend regularly reads this Warm Thoughts column and wanted to share the thoughts of an unknown author, with all you, dear readers out there, somewhere. We live in an age where we have many choices and changes.
Some time ago, I heard someone state that, "Pain is inevitable, but misery and being miserable is a choice." In the school of learning and hard knocks, the following thoughts may warm our hearts, and perhaps motivate us in our own countdown.
Episode 64: Still Learning →
This past weekend I drove to the city of Vermillion, where I frequently visit family, and my little granddaughter teaches me some new things she has learned recently. While there, I also traveled down memory lane in my thoughts. What warm thoughts overwhelmed me as I remembered the joys I experienced that last day in July, during the Bicentennial year. How can I ever forget that memorable year in the history of our country, and all the celebrations in South Dakota too? There were tears of joy as I stood with my collegiate clan on that open air field, and the music of the USD song resonated throughout the city, family, friends, and the students. I had taught in a class for gerontology and shared the joy of achievement of my "Grandma Day."
Episode 63: The World in 1926 →
When traveling throughout the heartland of America. I was impressed with the beauty of the green fields. After attending the International Congress of the Family in Colorado, it was a joy to again spend special time with family and friends to celebrate another birthday.
I did not realize that the year I entered this big world, it was a banner year - it was family in Wisconsin who shared these thoughts on a birthday card. It was quite interesting for me to learn that in that banner year, a lot of things were happening, and prices were different from our present age.
Episode 62: Living on the Farm →
It is fun to live on a farm and to live in the little home on the prairie. Some days I feel like one of the pioneers who homesteaded on the prairie. After all, I told myself that I am one of the last of the pioneers with the, "good old pioneer spirit." Yes, I sometimes feel like I live between the old ways of Midwestern culture and the new world of technology.
Episode 61: Adventures in Attitudes →
Many years ago I attended a seminar on Adventures in Attitudes, which at that time, made me very aware of the dynamics of positive and negative attitudes and their results.
A positive attitude, can be your choice and mine.To change your attitude is to change your life.
Dr Viktor Frankle writes, "The last of the human freedoms, is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances." James Allen, long ago wrote the wonderful little book titled, "As a Man Thinketh," where he compared the mind to a garden, pointing out that the garden will always bring forth what is planted there. "If no useful seeds are put into it," he wrote, "then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. So may a man tend to the garden of his mind weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts and cultivating toward perfection, the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals within himself. The laws of thoughts, how the thought forces, and mind elements operate in the shaping of his character,
circumstances, and destiny."
Episode 52: Reflection in the Mountains →
It is springtime, and the Rockies. After the wintry April of South Dakota, it was a spring retreat for me to fly to the mountains of Colorado. It is always a joy to go see family in Colorado and celebrate special family events. Going to the mountains provides special moments for reflection and meditation. It was many years ago that I reflected on Psalm, 121, a favorite psalm for many and at that time, I penned these lines, which I will share with you.