Recently, my dear friend from Nebraska shared with me her anticipated pre-Christmas pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Her excitement over being able to be in His land in the Christmas season brought many warm thoughts to my mind. It was 10 years ago that I experienced the joy of worshipping in a cave on the shepherd hills on Christmas Eve. While the many experiences I had the day before Christmas, and on Christmas day were so vivid in my mind. I wrote them down the day after Christmas, in the International Hotel on a hill in Jerusalem. And I will share these thoughts with you dear readers of this Warm Thoughts column.
Episode 116: Happy Christmas to All →
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" These heartwarming and familiar words so dear to all, complete Clement Clarke Moore's beloved poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas." The following Christmas poem was written by an unknown author, "Twas the Night Before Jesus Came."
Episode 115: The Bent Tree →
As many families were cutting down a Christmas tree to bring home to decorate, we hear the sad news about the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota. During the holiday season, we had to bid adieu to a great stately tree that had graced the campus at the University of South Dakota and Vermillion for 130 years. Students at the University had planted the Silver Maple on Arbor Day in 1884. This beautiful tree of God's creation had weathered the many storms of life throughout the years. Last year's winter storms caused its branches to be bent and it became necessary for us to bid This old tree our last respects. Throughout the years we read this inscription by this stately silver maple tree. This tree was grown in a local nursery and planted by students on Arbor Day, April 23rd, 1884. Over the years it has withstood the perils of both man and nature to become the oldest and largest Silver Maple in South Dakota.
Episode 114: Planting Seeds of Hope →
Every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Bible Sunday is observed. The theme for this year is "planting seeds of hope." As one research is survival on words of hope, there are many Bible promises on hope. Recently, pollster George Gallup Jr. speaking to a group of international reporters said, people in many nations appear to be searching with the new intensity for spiritual warnings. One of the key factors prompting this search is certainly a need for hope in these troubled times.
Episode 113: Giving Thanks for Family →
A warm spirit of the approaching holiday season makes us especially thankful for family. Life is full of many reasons to celebrate, reflect and share our feelings during the coming holiday season. The United Nations designated 1994 as International Year of the Family with the theme of the year as "family resources and responsibilities in a changing world." The emblem of the International Year of the Family is a heart sheltered by a roof linked by another heart. It symbolizes life and love in a home where one finds warmth, caring, security, togetherness, tolerance, and acceptance. The open design is meant to indicate continuity with a hint of uncertainty the brushstroke with its open mind roof completes an abstract symbol representing the complexities of the family.
Episode 112: A Tribute to My Son - A Vietnam Veteran →
A Vietnam Veteran
by Dr. Luetta G. Werner
Just why did you do it... go to war?
So many people wondered why
You volunteered to serve your country;
You left as a teen and said, "Good-bye."
To serve your country…that was your goal.
You believed the cause was to fight to win.
God was your quide and stayed by your side,
And you felt His great love again and again.
The scars of this war will always be there.
You went a teen and came back a man.
Faith in your god and prayer saw you through,
Love for your country and this prairie land.
May God bless all those who serve their country!
Episode 111: The Purple Hat →
Recently I visited dear friends who are now living in an Assisted Leisure Living Center. Before I left, one of them quoted words from Shakespeare, and another told me about her voice activated computer who gave her information about the purple hat. She shared these thoughts with me and I would like to share them with the readers of this warm thoughts weekly column.
Episode 110: Season of Beauty →
It is always a joy to have that extra hour in your life, in the fall of the year when the time changes. Change. Yes. Change is a way of life. The month of October makes us really aware of the joys we experience when seasons change in some parts of the world. In the month of October, there is also a Sunday called "mother in law's day". I call it, "mother-in-love," and then a column last May, I shared the poem by an unknown author entitled "Mother-in-Love." I would be glad to send you this beautiful poem, if you write me and ask for copy.
Episode 109: Helping Hands →
Last week's column projected some thoughts about preparing ourselves, already, for a 21st century. I realize that many of you may be thinking, “I can only handle one day at a time.” It is in the here and now that we live that “one day at a time.” And as I age, I realized more each day how important servant leadership skills and customer service is a must in the world of competition. I was really made aware of this, even more the other day when I needed to reach out and seek help from customer service. I received the help I needed, and was given respect and understanding. You can be sure I will tell others about the fine customer service and support I received.
Episode 108: Quiet Forces →
As I was traveling home after ending the Prayer Vigil of the American Mothers Association, many warm thoughts came to mind...thoughts about the future and how important it is that we think in the future tense and prepare ourselves for a 21st century. We do need to respect and honor the traditions and opinions of our forefathers and foremothers. It is in their accumulated wisdom and experience that much of the stability of a civilized society now rests, and we are thankful.
Recently I received a letter from a writer and poet in Florida. Sarah Gray has given permission to use her beautiful thoughts in this week’s warm thoughts column.
Episode 107: A Job Well Done →
This is a wonderful time of year to travel along the country lanes and see the beautiful fields and the healthful skies above. The green earth is beginning to turn to gold and soon the reddish harvest moon, like a beacon from another planet will beam down on our world.
Recently I received a letter from a writer and poet in Florida. Sarah Gray has given permission to use her beautiful thoughts in this week’s warm thoughts column.
Episode 105: The Attitude of Aging →
Recently I read a very interesting article on the challenges of aging. Studies by the experts state that the generation who are celebrating their 50th, 60th, and 70th anniversaries have succeeded in kicking the belabbers out of the stereotypes of aging. Perhaps this can be explained by one word - attitude. The experts stated, "the attitudes of a 70 year-old today are equivalent to those of a 50 year-old, only a decade or two ago." It is interesting how many couples are their 50th, 60th, and even 70th wedding anniversaries. More individuals are also reaching that century mark.
Episode 103: If Teacups Could Talk →
Episode 103 - If Teacups Could Talk
Visual Benedictions
Summertime. Good, ole' summertime. It is a good time to get in some summer reading. My grandchildren from Ohio sent me the book, "If Teacups Could Talk" by Emily Barnes. I have enjoyed reading the many warm thoughts in this book over a cup of tea. I have also had many special moments with the grandchildren, as we have our tea party. I have learned some interesting lessons about tea cups. China dishes recovered from shipwrecks are often good as new, long after the ship itself has dissolved in the salt water. Porcelain is fragile, but it is also remarkably durable, like us, like life. Humans are beautiful and breakable, like china cups. Humans can heal and grow and move beyond disaster, we can reach out to one another and encouragement and comfort. Nancy Reagan has stated that a woman is like a tea bag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is. Tea Time offers so many wonderful possibilities for nurturing friendships, and if tea cups could talk, they would say so much about the past, and also about the future. For hundreds of years "come for tea" has been another way of saying, "Come, let's share a little bit of our lives together." If tea cups could talk their message no doubt would be "Use Me."
Episode 102: Live and Learn and Pass it On →
Recently I read a book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr., entitled, "Live and Learn and Pass it On." In the book people ages 5 to 95 share what they have discovered about life, love and other good stuff. Some of the thoughts are a bit humorous, but somehow we can get the message. I have personally discovered throughout my years that if we really listen, we can learn so much. The following are a few quotes from from individuals and it lists their age, when they said these words.
Episode 101: Time Together →
Where has the month of July gone?
When many of you read these warm thoughts, there will only be three precious days left in the month. Does time really fly faster when one gets a year older? I am reminded of the words I overheard while sitting in church one Sunday morning, and listening to voices around me, before the service. "Every day is the day to celebrate," I heard it said. I realized how true those words of wisdom really mean to me as I celebrate life each day. Jonathan Swift has said as well, "May you live all the days of your life." This plaque is high on the kitchen range this summer, and is a reminder to live and enjoy each day of your life. July is a month when many families celebrate, beginning with Independence Day and family reunions. Have you ever thought of celebrating Christmas in July? Our family has found it a most convenient time to celebrate Christmas with all the family Christmas traditions. Perhaps this is nontraditional, but we managed to celebrate everything that has happened during the past year. This includes those who have birthdays, anniversaries, and additions to the family. We recognize achievements and graduations and each member of the family is so special. Traditional holiday and birthday gifts and treats are given to the loved ones, good food, good memories, all go together. It is probably the mother of all celebrations.
Episode 100: Mailed Letters - A Gift of the Past →
It is such a joy to receive letters from the readers of this column. I appreciate it so much when they include some gems of thought that I can share with you all through this column. In this day of high technology, the fax machine is used to communicate, email, and the computer for our relationships. That personal handwritten letter may soon become a gift of the past. Here is the thought a faithful reader from Florida sent me.
Episode 99: The Pioneers of Yesteryear →
Each year on July 4th we commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and we celebrate the birthday of our nation. It is a time to renew patriotism, and add a consciousness that our nation needs our prayers. It is a time when we are even more aware of the freedoms we enjoy here in America. With thankful hearts we sing America the Beautiful, and God bless America.
Episode 98: Fort Meade & The Star Spangled Banner →
The month of July is a very special month. July has many reasons to celebrate. Though not widely known, it was on July 2nd, not July 4th that The Continental Congress passed the resolution declaring the independence from the colonies. We celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. Are you a celebrator? Having lived several years in the Fourth of July city in Seward, Nebraska, Independence Day has very special memories for me. Singing the Star Spangled Banner has inspired millions and moved many to tears. It has symbolized with the flag, what it really does mean to be a loyal American.
Episode 97: Guardian Angels →
To the readers of this column: A favorite column of the readers is being repeated by request. It seems there is a special interest in angels, and this topic has especially interested my grandchildren. My five-year-old granddaughter has a great need to hold her birthday angel like a security blanket, as she travels on vacations. As we were traveling along together I heard her say, "Grandma, do you believe in angels?" Deep in thought, and before I had a chance to give her a long recital about the many times I felt protection in my travels alone by air, sea and land...and the many dark times...and the storms of life. I could hear her soft voice saying, "Grandma. Are you listening? Grandma, do angels have wings?" "What do you think?" I asked. "Grandma, that was my question." She reminded me. For some reason my thoughts were carried immediately to my childhood, and I shared with her that I remembered the picture on the wall at the foot of my bed, and that angel in the picture had wings. Even though we could not have the kerosene lamp lit all night long. I always felt a protecting angel throughout the dark night.
Episode 96: The Mother of Father's Day →
Have you ever wondered who was the mother of Father's Day? It was Sonora Louise Dodd and the thought for Father's Day came to her in church, as she listened to her pastor extol the virtues of motherhood in his Mother's Day message. Sonora felt he failed to mention the value and importance of fathers. She felt fathers deserved equal credit and praise.